Posts in Leadership
What firm commitments are holding you back from MVP-level performance?

With news that EQT Corporation has optimized some of its firm transportation portfolio, this morning's a good time to ask yourself whether the commitments governing your professional and personal life are still providing the same value you'd anticipated when you signed up for them...assuming you even remember signing up in the first place.

The headline: EQT sells portion of its capacity on the Mountain Valley Pipeline (by Paul J. Gough of The Pittsburgh Business Times)

The goal: to (G)row, (P)rotect, and (S)ustain success by pondering these 3 questions throughout your day:

💡 What unnecessary commitments are hindering your ability to flourish?

💡 How much time, energy, and money are you spending to protect old habits?

💡 Are you unwittingly signing up for an unsustainable level of new obligations?

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What benchmarks are you using to value your potential?

Using yet another headline pointing to dwindling Cushing storage, this live episode of The Energy Detox will help you properly measure and value your personal energy reserves.

The headline: U.S. demand for oil surges, depleting tanks in Oklahoma (Reuters)

The goal: to (𝐆)𝐫𝐨𝐰, (𝐏)𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 (𝐒)𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 success by pondering these 3 questions throughout your day:

💡 How might your personal growth be outpacing available resources?

💡 Does the value you command reflect your full potential?

💡 Have you unwittingly become an energy hub for your stakeholders?

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When was the last time you re-stacked your professional building blocks?

Well, regardless of your answer, this live episode of The Energy Detox will use yet another headline about the escalating cost of energy in Europe to help you revisit the most fundamental elements needed for you and your stakeholders to sustain professional momentum heading into the winter.

The headline: 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬: 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 (Reuters)

The goal: to (𝐆)𝐫𝐨𝐰, (𝐏)𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 (𝐒)𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 success by pondering these 3 questions throughout your day:

💡 What are the critical building blocks for continued growth?

💡 Who are the people you are tasked with protecting?

💡 How can you mitigate the effects of professional and personal volatility?

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Are You Unwittingly Choosing Propaganda Over Purpose?

To help you answer that question, this live episode of The Energy Detox will use some climate news out of China to reframe the way that you are approaching your professional and personal commitments.

The headline: China says it must consider food and energy security when curbing emissions

The source: Reuters (David Stanway and Dominique Patton)

The takeaway: Just as China says that it needs to “manage the relationship between pollution reduction and carbon reduction and energy security, industrial supply chain security, food security and normal life of the people,” you, too, should be asking how well you're balancing your core principles against potentially conflicting stakeholder demands.

The goal: to (G)row, (P)rotect, and (S)ustain success by pondering these 3 questions throughout your day:

💡 How might your short-term focus be hindering long-term growth?

💡 What are the hidden costs of protecting a flimsy narrative?

💡 What tools are you using to better connect your purpose to your people?

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The REAL "Energy Crisis" Plaguing Leaders, Teams, and Organizations

Thanks to the inescapable “energy crisis” headlines flooding newsfeeds, the world’s AWARENESS of energy—or at least awareness of rising energy costs—is greater than it’s been in years.

As is often the case with headlines, however, they can distract you from underlying issues that may be even more problematic—albeit not quite as sexy or attention-grabbing as something labeled with the word “crisis.”

Similarly, many energy industry leaders are suffering from a “Consciousness Crisis” and are unwittingly ignoring issues that are chipping away at their credibility and effectiveness as they and their teams focus on navigating the energy crisis, the supply chain crisis, the labor crisis, and whatever other crises are grabbing their attention.

That being said—and in honor of Energy Awareness Month—this episode of The Energy Detox will raise awareness of the common (yet often hidden) barriers holding leaders like you back from achieving sustained success.

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“Short-Term Sustainability” and the Failed Promises of Oxymoronic Motivators

How much of your precious time, energy, and money do you invest (waste) on conventional leadership resources?

Are you trying to outrun (or outscroll) an avalanche of books, webinars, podcasts, videos, articles, and nauseating LinkedIn posts?

If so, take a moment to challenge the advice, slogans, and quotes your connections are sharing and ask yourself some of the unconventional questions posed in this episode of The Energy Detox.

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Top 5 Questions That Can Protect Your Communication Pipeline From Costly Attacks

If you thought the Colonial Pipeline attack was bad, just wait until you see how vulnerable your company’s communication pipeline is to leaks, corrosion, bottlenecks, and other potentially catastrophic threats.

And to help you identify those vulnerabilities, this episode of will lay out the 5 most important communications-related questions you and other energy industry leaders need to ask so that you can avoid unwittingly damaging your personal and professional relationships.

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5 Ways You May Be Driving Your Energy Company Into the Ground

Sure, you may be sitting in the driver’s seat…but your passengers know that your “autopilot” leadership style is driving them away from long-term success.

So, to prevent the leadership equivalent of “highway hypnosis,” we kick off Season 2 of The Energy Detox by sharing 5 parallels between Driving, Drilling, & Leading that you need to be aware of so that you don’t wind up stuck on the side of the road, in a mile deep hole, or at a hopeless organization.

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Securing Sustainable Transitions of Power

While the universally condemned events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 were inexcusable, indefensible, and counter-productive, it remains important for you as a leader to ask whether you might be settling for “peaceful” transitions in your own life when what you and your stakeholders actually need is a little bit of (lawful and non-violent) disruption.

And in this Season 1 finale of The Energy Detox (recorded November 2020), you’ll be encouraged to ask:

1) "In what ways am I unwittingly sabotaging my chances of long-term success because of short-term (and misguided) pressure from my stakeholders?" and

2) “How are the hundreds of discrete ‘transitions of power’ I make each day unwittingly draining my precious time and energy?”

And to help you answer those questions, we’ll weave together examples from sports, parenting, the global “energy transition,” corporate mergers & acquisitions, and—of course—from the U.S. presidential transition.

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Unpacking the Power of Petroleum Prose

Looking for the CliffsNotes version of “How to Successfully Lead a Sustainable Oil & Gas Career?”

Well, you’re not going to discover it in this 12,000 word episode of The Energy Detox podcast.

You will, however, hear Gyrodata’s Stephen Forrester outline the competitive advantage that (good) writing plays for the smattering of individuals and organizations who will manage to thrive in the face of today’s challenging energy landscape.

Stephen also shares his first-hand experience navigating this industry as an English major, while providing an impassioned plea to re-introduce the good old-fashioned paragraph as a way of countering the onslaught of superficial writing bombarding our eyes each day.

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Keep It Sustainable, Stupid

The writer H.L. Mencken once said, “For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple…and wrong.”

And with this idea in mind, one could argue that the KISS principle—which commands us to “keep it simple, stupid”—may not be enough to provide truly sustainable solutions to the many complex problems facing our planet and its 8 billion inhabitants.

And when it comes to leading teams, families, and businesses, it’s unlikely that merely embracing simplicity is going to yield the sustainable success that you and your stakeholders desire.

So, in this episode of The Energy Detox, we propose a slight tweak to the KISS principle that encourages leaders to “keep it sustainable, stupid.”

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Come on, Simone...Let's Talk About Your Big "But"

Building upon “Coach” Pee-wee Herman’s assertion that “everyone has a big ‘but’,” we’ll explore the impacts that little “buts” can have on success and leave you with 3 things to keep in mind as you lead your team, your family, and yourself toward a more sustainable future:

1) You can openly acknowledge and embrace your “buts" without allowing them to drain your energy and slow you down;

2) You can help your stakeholders understand how to use their “buts” as an opportunity to grow; and

3) That while using blunt or negative words like "but" and “however” and “no” can have unintended consequences, artificially avoiding words that occasionally need to be said to others—and to yourself—can sometimes cause even greater damage.

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A Trillion Dollar Crash and the Coaching Playbook That Will Fuel Energy's Recovery

By many measures, the energy industry was losing in 2020. It was losing momentum, relevance, and plenty of money.

And despite increasing demand and commodity prices throughout 2021, oil & gas companies continue to lose the current and future talent necessary for a sustained recovery.

So the question for current energy leaders today isn’t merely how best to streamline operations, clean up the balance sheet, and capitalize on the uptick in prices. The question is how to help employees—along with investors/boosters/fans—remain engaged, confident, and proud of the positive results that oil & gas can and should continue to produce.

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Leadership Implosions and the Benefits of Blowing Up Your Internal Connections

Do you ever feel like your time and energy are escaping over a bridge to nowhere?

Have you ever considered yourself as CEO…of yourself?

And do you ever feel like proactively setting off a few targeted charges to avoid an uncontrolled explosion later on?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions…or if you just want to understand the benefits of having a team meeting where you’ll address each different version of yourself, then this episode is for (all of) you.

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Leadership PPE and the Hidden Benefits of Safety-Driven Decision-Making

In this episode, we reveal a different type of PPE that will protect your prior successes without becoming a barrier to continued progress.

And we’ll also demonstrate the universal value of a “safety mindset” that can be gained by asking three simple questions:

1) What is actually worth protecting?

2) Am I falling victim to a false sense of security?

3) What hazards can I influence…and which ones are outside of my control?

And, finally, if you're unwittingly investing too much time trying to predict and prevent the hazards that will limit your success instead of spending time improving your ability to respond when things inevitably don't go as planned, we’ll also help you strengthen your adaptability in the face of challenges so that you can take the decisive action expected of great leaders.

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Do the Results of Your Personal Booms and Busts Really Speak for Themselves?

At this point in your life, you are well aware that failures and mistakes are necessary building blocks for long-term success. You have countless experiences to prove that the “best laid plans…often go awry.” And you know that seemingly straightforward data can often be misleading and shouldn’t always be taken at face value.

So why do you instinctively assume that bad results mean that the decision that led to those results was also bad? Why does your embrace of “extreme ownership” and your “no excuses” attitude prevent you from acknowledging the fact that sound decisions sometimes lead to poor results?

In this episode of The Energy Detox, we encourage you to generate more confidence in your leadership and in the decision-making abilities of you and your stakeholders by keeping one question front and center: “Do the results speak for themselves?”

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Authentically Fraudulent: What an Energy Industry Layoff Taught Me About Purpose & Passion (Part 2)

In this second part of our “authentically fraudulent” conversation, we encourage you to move beyond the typical "personal brand building" exercises that we're all encouraged to do and instead spend time crafting an autobiography of sorts...even if you're the only one who will ever read it.

Because as polished as your social media presence and content might be, and as impressive as your resume and LinkedIn profile are, nothing is going to drive you forward more effectively and confidently than carrying with you a deep understanding of the authentic experiences from your own life that set you apart from others.

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Authentically Fraudulent: What an Energy Industry Layoff Taught Me About Purpose & Passion (Part 1)

There’s one F-word that makes people shudder in corporate America, and it’s not the same one your grandmother might shake her finger at. The word is “fraud,” and embracing it now doesn’t mean you’re headed to jail. In fact, it could mean you’re headed to a much more satisfying and sustainable life.

Using a personal story of self-discovery, we explore how some layoff-induced (or quarantine-induced) reflection can determine whether you’ve been living a “fraudulent” existence, while asking challenging questions to make sure the labels you’re giving yourself or others don’t limit opportunities for future success.

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Does the "Law of Capture" Apply When Someone Drains Your Figurative Energy?

Even though the Law of Capture allows you to drain your neighbor’s oil reservoir, at current prices you’d probably be interested in stealing something much more valuable.

And given the stress and pressure than many people are under today, one would argue that few things are more valuable and precious than our figurative energy, which can quickly be drained by others if we’re not careful.

As leaders, it’s critical not only to be on guard against your own energy being depleted, but to carry a heightened awareness of how you might be impacting others…especially those whose limited energy might already trend negative.

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Non-Productive Time Myths and the Power of a "25-Hour Mindset"

Do you feel pressure to eliminate every ounce of "non-productive time" from your life?

Do you feel guilty for not making this quarantine "the most productive period ever?"

Do you feel forced to start sacrificing existing things on your schedule to fulfill someone else's agenda?

If any of those are true, we encourage you to embrace the non-productive time in your life, to get rid of the notion that this period of isolation is some kind of "use it or lose it" opportunity you're missing out on, and to make believe someone is giving you an extra hour each day to be used however you wish.

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