Posts in Leadership
How Do Firm Transportation Agreements Produce Unsustainable Leaders?

Are you unwittingly locking yourself, your teams, or your families into agreements that severely limit your ability to survive…let alone thrive?

In today’s episode of The Energy Detox, we challenge you to uncover all the ways that you and those around you may be operating under outdated contracts that—like firm transportation agreements—may no longer work for all parties, that may severely curtail the chances of producing sustainable success, that can increase the odds of figurative bankruptcy, and that will cause you to stand there asking, “Did I really sign up for all of this?”

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High-Strength API Connections for Leaders

Are you unwittingly missing opportunities to build stronger and more meaningful connections with others, especially right now when your professional relationships are as important as ever?

From the single most important LinkedIn tip to consider when requesting a new connection to a deeper conversation about the importance of continued personal engagement for existing relationships, we challenge you to strengthen the foundation of the network upon which you will build the next phase of your professional journey.

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Well(ness) Spacing and Social Distancing Lessons for Leaders

As a leader, are you fully conscious of how impactful your words and actions can be on those who are closest to you, be they personal or professional connections?

Just as interference between neighboring wells has taught those in the oil and gas industry to be aware of the operational headaches caused by spacing wells too close together, the coronavirus has clearly shown us how easy it is to unwittingly spread harm to those around us, directly and indirectly leading to societal health, safety, and economic disruptions.

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What Good is GPS if You're Under Quarantine?

How do you maintain engagement, sustain momentum, and avoid unwittingly adding to the fear, stress, and confusion of your personal and professional stakeholders during times like this?

The answers to this question are rarely found on an outdated roadmap, in the advice of expensive consultants, or that same “gut feeling” that has steered you through past challenges, but through a practical and simple “Leadership GPS” approach that helps you (G)row, (P)rotect, and (S)ustain success for you, your organization, and your family in good times and in bad.

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